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Financial Planning For Young Professionals

Retirement may seem like a long way off to someone in their 20s or 30s, but it really is never too early to start saving.

A state pension currently pays just over £9,000 a year which for many people is not enough to live on.  Research conducted by Unbiased.co.uk found that to have a moderately comfortable retirement with little or no money worries, a couple would need an income of £47,000 per annum. For a single person this would be £33,000*.

As you can see, there is a clear gap between what we are provided with and what we require.

When you invest into products such as a Pension or an ISA, the money will earn interest over time, which will then continue to grow further – it’s called compound interest. Because many financial products are tax-efficient too they come with many further benefits. A pension for example gets at least 25% extra on top of whatever you put in personally (in most circumstances).

Put simply, the earlier you start saving, the easier it is to build up a pot of money to help in the future, whether it’s retirement, saving for a house, or to buy a new car.

We work with you every step of the way through your financial journey to support and guide you and your decisions. Click here to book a no obligation appointment and see how we could help you.

* https://www.unbiased.co.uk/life/pensions-retirement/what-is-the-average-uk-retirement-income

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